Live Life Kids


 Welcome to Live Life Kids! Kids are so important to the Kingdom of God and we believe they are the very fuel that will blast the Gospel into the future. We are here to join you as you nurture your child’s faith journey.

Discovery Zone

Infant - Kindergarten

The Discovery Zone is for Ages 0-6. Through bible focused stories and activities, each week your children will discover God and enjoy growing spiritually with other children.

Adventure Zone

Grades 1st - 5th

Welcome to the Adventure Zone!  In this zone, ages 7-10 will learn and explore God, faith, and what it means to be a part of a faith community!

Launch Pad

Grades 6th - 8th

Launch Pad is designed for youth Ages 11-14. In this zone, youth will get grounded in the word of God and prepare to take off on their faith journey!

Impact 365

Grades 9th -12th

Impact 365 is for students ages 15-18. Youth will be strengthened in their faith and encouraged to activate the gifts and callings that God has placed inside them!

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